An announcement
Do not let the heart sing in its cages. Flow with the ocean anywhere that is going. The window to the river is open and children pour through the house every day, laughing, on their way out to sea. The cows on the hills have bells on their necks, just for the joy of jangling. We found the key under the floorboard and it opens every door, when they were all unlocked anyway. I was right and wrong all at once, as always. It would be embarrassing if I wasn’t happy laughing. Jumping is amazing and gliding also works fine. If you become a concept, I’m sorry, but they’re all very real. Take the diamonds made by hands held together for centuries and watch them puncture the night like stars. I was always grateful for every blueberry, even with sticky fingers. Thank you for elevating the quality of pauses. Even the moon was grateful. Watch how every morning the sun will rise and we had no big mistake to make.